Residential Service
Plans for every lifestyle
Web browsing
On-line shopping
Music steaming
Movie streaming.

These are what most households expect to Just work when receiving internet service. Now, multiply this by several users and you can really test the capacity of your provider.
Most residential accounts provide an “Up to” speed rating that works great for speed tests, but falls flat under continuous load.
If your connection starts playing a video well, only to start buffering a few minutes in, then the network is not able to keep up.
NC-Wireless provides robust residential service with NC-Wireless Speedburst to increase capacity for short bursts when needed. Think of it as a turbo-charger for your internet connection!
Low Cost Option
- 25 Mbps / 5 Mbps Down/Upload
- Unlimited Data
- Web Browsing, Banking,Email, Shopping, Social Media
- Recommended for Streaming Media
- NC-Wireless SpeedBurst
- Online Account Management
- Includes Network Security Monitoring
Net 50
Most Favorite Plan!
- 50 Mbps / 5 Mbps Down/Upload
- Unlimited Data
- Web Browsing, Banking,Email, Shopping, Social Media
- Recommended for Streaming Media
- NC-Wireless SpeedBurst
- Online Account Management
- Includes Network Security Monitoring
Net 75
3 -5 Users
- 75 Mbps / 5 Mbps Down/Upload
- Unlimited Data
- Web Browsing, Banking,Email, Shopping, Social Media
- Recommended for Streaming Media
- NC-Wireless SpeedBurst
- Online Account Management
- Includes Network Security Monitoring
Net 100
5+ Users or Home Office
- 100 Mbps / 5 Mbps Down/Upload
- Unlimited Data
- Web Browsing, Banking,Email, Shopping, Social Media
- Recommended for Streaming Media
- NC-Wireless SpeedBurst
- Online Account Management
- Includes Network Security Monitoring